The Morganza Revitalization Project
Morganza, like many small rural municipalities in America, has suffered a decline in the past forty years. Many, if not most, small businesses have closed in favor of larger, centralized brick and mortar stores and/or online shopping. And, just like many other towns, Morganza is striving to realize a new commercial and cultural identity.
The revitalization of Morganza is currently supported by The Morganza Cultural District, a 501C(3) organization.

One of the most obvious efforts is in the beautification of the town. Various efforts are underway with many more in the planning stage. The citizens are proud of their home town and want visitors to enjoy coming here. Beautification is not the only effort though. New businesses are sought. Existing businesses are supported. Locals are encouraged to shop Morganza first.
A second direction being taken is to celebrate the rich history of the town. Currently, there is little to identify the role of the Morganza area in the Civil War. Few know that nearly, 40,000 Union troops occupied the area. Or that a fort was built on the Mississippi by those troops. More know that several scenes in the movie Easy Rider were filmed here. Most locals know that a bald eagle named Montana lives in the spillway. All locals know about the spillway and the role it plays in controlling flooding. But outside the environs of Morganza few people know any of these things. The revitalization effort is striving to change that by attracting visitors to view historic places and participate in a variety of celebrations. Fairs and festivals to celebrate Christmas and other seasons as well as various historical events are being planned.